Sunday, 15 May 2022



Oh, dreary winter

You have overstayed

Your grey skies

Are not welcome

I know spring is close

I look at the grey lake

With the duck on it

The only splash of colour

In the late winter landscape

But I see the hints of spring

Everywhere around me

And the promise of daffodils

Lilacs and butterflies

So, winter it’s time to go

Your welcome is worn out


There she perches

Queen of her domain

Keen Eagle eyes scanning the scene

Head never still

Then in the water

A silvery glint

And she’s airborne

Gliding with silent grace

Almost aimlessly

Then with perfect timing

She strikes to take the rising fish

And with it safe in her talons

She sets off to deliver

The silver prize to her young 



Under the rich December sky

Breath plumed in the frost filled air

The winter sky sparkled with stars

Like diamonds stitched to the curtain of night

The moon was almost full

And from that December moon

The lunar light bathed the landscape

So that light sparkled on the ice crystals

Creating a myriad of twinkling stars

To mimic their celestial cousins



It was a bracing walk

The sun shone brightly on the lake,

A weak autumnal sun,

Bright but un-warming

And a light wind stirred the branches

Of the leafless weeping cherry tree

And added to the chill

The familiar pair of resident ducks

Bobbed on the choppy surface

Seemingly oblivious to the cold

Mist on the distant mountains

Hinted at what was to come

By the time I pushed open my front gate

I was suitably refreshed

And glad to be home


That night the storm hit

A storm that began as a hurricane

Far out across the ocean

Then as it hit the land

It was merely a tropical storm

When it got to us it was just a storm

But what a storm it was

Thick black clouds turning day to night

It rained and promised to rain even more

Inches and inches of rain

Large gray drops ran down the bare trees

And splashed on the grey waters of the lake

Bouncing off the green and brown backs

Of the resilient swimming ducks

The Hurricanes remnants

Took three days to pass

And left the lake considerable deeper

In the calm after the storm

We basked in the warmth

Of a bonus summers like day

Left in the tropical storms wake

The two ducks swam lazily across the still water

Bees were out looking for flowers

Ants crawled around in the grass,

Adding to their winter stock of food. 

And squirrels chattered away

As they searched for acorns and pine nuts

And ran amongst the shadows

Of the dogwood trees

A blue heron flew to the very top

Of the leafless weeping cherry tree

Doubtless lost in the storm

It spent the day recharging its batteries

And getting its bearings

Later it joined the ducks on the water

Obviously to ask directions


The next day summer had gone again

And autumn had returned

The day began with an overcast sky and chilly breeze

Later as I walked for a while beside the lake

It had become a warm and sunny day.

Warm of course, is a relative term

It was above freezing, just

The sun was bright; the wind light but cold

All was silent, the waters calm

A duck slept in the shadow

Of the leafless weeping cherry

The other was close by but silent

And the blue heron was perched,

Motionless, on the top of the bare dogwood

Before it launched itself

And after circling the lake once it was on its way

The squirrels were hiding

I saw no bees searching for flowers

And the ants were out of sight


Winter arrived yesterday

With heavy snow falling in the morning

Then the skies cleared

And the temperature plummeted

Today the landscape wass even more beautiful

And the lake was frozen

The ducks were no where to be seen

I don’t know where they go

But they always come back

The ground is crisp under foot

And it is very very cold

The squirrels were the only creatures I saw

And they were happily raiding their stores

Feasting on acorns and chasing around

I decided it was too cold for me

And headed for the fireside

Too reflect on this week’s abundance of seasons



They say nature is perfect

They say nature is beautiful

But they are so wrong

Nature is ugly and brutal

Oh, it looks pretty in a picture

I quite accept it all looks nice

But don’t be fooled

Nature will kill you in a trice

It doesn’t matter where you go

If you look closely enough

Something is eating something else

Nature is cruel and tough

Its dog eat dog its bird eat frog

Its fish eat fish its whale eat seal

In nature it seems to me

Everything is some body’s meal

So don’t try telling me

That nature is perfect and wonderful

I don’t need the natural world

I can go to London if I want brutal



The early morning sunlight

Creeps across the meadow,

Where in the wet grass

The rabbits make their dawn patrol


In the meadows quiet corners

The sun glints on dewdrops

Trapped within the intricacies

Of a labyrinthine spiders web


Though the morning sun is weak

And too soft to burn the mist

It still banishes the darkness

And another day begins



Beneath my shoeless feet

The sun scorched sand

Burned those who dwelt too long

In admiration of the vista

Beneath the swaying fronts

In the shadow of the palms

The white sands

Offered cool respite

I rested a while

Before I journeyed

Across the sun-baked sand

To become immersed

In the cool of the ocean


  I have always greatly admired the Sloth Though not in any way the cardinal sin I admire the Sloths of South America Noted for their ...