Monday 23 August 2021



Way up high

In the sky

Clouds pass by

I wonder why

On a bright day

Some might say

I see the milky way

Indeed they may

Way up then

Near to heaven

I shall know when

Clouds pass again  

Sunday 22 August 2021



The snow geese

In a massive flock

Take flight in unison

Filling the whole sky

Like clouds of white smoke

Billowing up from unseen fires

Rippling across the sky

As far as the eye can see

Almost blocking out the sun

So begins the migration



The golden orb

Burning orange

Set slowly

Beyond the distant hills

As it slid slowly down

It painted the hills

In rainbow hues

Back lighting the tree line

Highlighting them boldly black

Showing them in stark relief

Against the crimson sky

As it was finally swallowed

By the western horizon

The sky was tinged with pink

Before darkness was everywhere

Thursday 19 August 2021



The graceful owl

Hunts at twilight

And listens to hear

A victim in the night

Then swoops down

In silent flight

Not to prevent

Its prey taking fright

But fear of losing

What is out of sight


From the mountain high

On the summit icy

It begins to trickle

Toward its destiny

Trickle becoming stream

Very quickly

Its method brilliant

In its simplicity

It follows the path

Of least resistance

In its great race

To go the distance

Growing ever stronger

Under gravity

Deeper wider

And ever more rapidly   

A great river now

Heading for its destiny

And it’s fulfilled

When reaching the sea



The deciduous trees still have their foliage on

With autumn changing hues like a chameleon

From yellow and gold and red and brown

Some leaves have already began falling down

Then the autumn gales come quite inevitable

Leaving the once proud trees quite skeletal

Sadly now all the leaves have fallen down

Thus adding to mother natures golden gown

Wednesday 18 August 2021


Misty mornings

Start dim and dismal

Penetrating Dampness

Seeping into your bones

Some days it brightens later

Enough for shirtsleeves

Then when darkness falls

Curtains are drawn

At the months beginning

Grass is still growing green

The trees are well covered still

Then leaves turn green to yellow

Yellow is burnished to gold

Gold to burning red

Then red to earth

Beyond the equinox

Days have already become

More dark than light

Before the clocks fall back

And the sun sets sooner

Days of sunshine deceive

Sheltered pockets warm and confuse the senses

In the later days

When the residual warmth diminishes

The bite remains

To herald worse to come   


  Bathed in summer sunshine Gentle breezes stir the stems But above in the golden sun Grow an array of perfect gems