Through the misty dawning
Of a crisp autumn
Like emerging from a
Amidst the haunting
I spy Pheasants in the
And in the moment, I
am lost
Through the misty dawning
Of a crisp autumn
Like emerging from a
Amidst the haunting
I spy Pheasants in the
And in the moment, I
am lost
Under autumnal skies
The suns strength diminishes
With each passing day
And foliage turns slowly
From green to gold
To red, to brown
Before fluttering to earth
Where autumn breezes
Make them dance
To the seasons song
But dancing turns to fury
When breeze turns to raging storm
And autumn windfalls
Are sent swirling
As if caught
In a frenetic snow
Though the lucky ones
Escape the chaos
Being driven on the wind
Into quiet corners
Or beneath hedgerows
The rest whirl like dervishes
Hither and thither
Until the rains
Turn them to mush under foot
Misty mornings
Start dim and dismal
Penetrating Dampness
Seeping into your bones
Some days it brightens later
Enough for shirtsleeves
Then when darkness falls
Curtains are drawn.
At the months beginning
Grass is still growing green
The trees are well covered still
Then leaves turn green to yellow
Yellow is burnished to gold
Gold to burning red
Then red to earth.
Beyond the equinox
Days have already become
More dark than light
Before the clocks fall back
And the sun sets sooner
Days of sunshine deceive
Sheltered pockets warm and confuse the senses
In the later days
When the residual warmth diminishes
The bite remains
To herald worse to come
In the autumn meadow
Everywhere was wet
with Dew
And highlighted in the tall grasses
Were a myriad of lustrous webs
waiting to reward their architects
For their industry and
Beneath the dusky grey sky
Of low scudding
The ambient air was
Blown in from the west
On the same storm fed wind
That chased the clouds
Across the autumn sky
They must cross the barren earth
Where once wheat and
barley grew
A land where nothing
lives in the mud
And an eerie silence hugs
the land
Until the chattering
of machine gun fire
Breaks the quietness
of the morning
And hails of bullets
cut like a scythe
Until like wheat and
barley they fall
The mighty oak lay broken
In the wake of the
And I am deeply
For as a boy I climbed
Its mighty steadfast
And sat amongst its
Sheltering beneath its
As generations of small
Had done many times
before me
But then I saw an
On the ground beside
my feet
So, I picked it up and
And took it home with
So, I could grow his
The mist cascaded down the hillside Like a maiden’s hair Tumbling onto her shoulders The bare branches of the birch trees Pierced ...