The Suffolk Sorrel
Heavy draught horse
Beautiful Chestnut beast
Solid and dependable
With energetic gait
Known as “good doers”
The Suffolk Sorrel
Work horse of the land
The Suffolk Sorrel
Heavy draught horse
Beautiful Chestnut beast
Solid and dependable
With energetic gait
Known as “good doers”
The Suffolk Sorrel
Work horse of the land
Devoid of jesses
Or strips of leather
Birds of prey
Fly off the tether
As God intended
The Falcon and the Hawk
Patrol the land
AS for prey they stalk
Heralding an approaching storm
Lightening lit the far horizon
As thunder rumbled
Around the valley
Then louder and louder it grew
Closer and closer it came
Until it was overhead
And the house shook
With the power of the thunder clap
And Jagged ribbons of light
Struck the earth
Then almost as quickly
As its thunderous arrival
It moved off into the distance
The chanticleer herald
Cockerel strutting proud
Crowing to the dawn
With voice Clear and loud
Gather in the woodland lilies
Kissed with natures gentle dew
Lay them on the polished oak
And bid your love a fond adieu
Thistledown, in idle flight
Drifts upon the highland wind
Like ancestral spirits
The mist cascaded down the hillside Like a maiden’s hair Tumbling onto her shoulders The bare branches of the birch trees Pierced ...