Red roses
For my true love
Each stem symbolic
One for each year
Each unopened bud
A year yet to come
Red roses
For my true love
Each stem symbolic
One for each year
Each unopened bud
A year yet to come
The Red Dawn of a new day
A glimpse of heaven
Signifying a new beginning
Another precious gift
Another day of life
Not to be squandered
But be accepted
In the spirit it was given
The Red River of the North
Is born at the confluence
Of the Bois de Sioux
And the Otter Tail
Flowing north through
The Red River Valley,
Forming the border
Of Minnesota and North Dakota
On its journey into Manitoba
Where it washes into Lake Winnipeg
And spreads into the vast deltaic wetland
Known as Netley Marsh
Skylarks sing songs of joy
The sweetest you will
Serenading the young
at heart
And the romantically
Oh Mr Blue Tit
How sweetly you sit
When into my garden
You pleasantly flit
Oh Mr Blue Tit
With your coat so blue
Take care in the
A cat is watching you
Oh Mr Blue Tit
You have seen it
As from my garden
You urgently flit
The mist cascaded down the hillside Like a maiden’s hair Tumbling onto her shoulders The bare branches of the birch trees Pierced ...