The first flurries of the white,
Began to fall at twilight
Though until the dawn
So by the next morn
Everything lay below
A carpet of fresh
white snow
The first flurries of the white,
Began to fall at twilight
Though until the dawn
So by the next morn
Everything lay below
A carpet of fresh
white snow
On the distant horizon
The embers of the dawn
Brightly glow
As God blows gentle
Upon the glowing coals
And lights up another
The breeze on my face was still warm
Though the sun was
With the horizon a
kaleidoscope of colour,
There would be more
rain before morning.
And the thunder would
The grass was still
wet underfoot
And the air was heavy
with that earthy
Just rained on
Overhead through the
leafy canopy
Was the quiet
whispering of the breeze
Followed by a hail of
displaced raindrops
And I smiled to myself
and thanked God
That I should live in
such a place
Two peahens watched
As the peacock danced
The courtship display
He proudly pranced
One hen said to the
“All this is getting
on my wick”
Then shouted “stop
showing off
And show us your dick”
The light spring breeze played
An enchanting wind
chime symphony
But as the breeze
became a gale
It soon turned to a
The mist cascaded down the hillside Like a maiden’s hair Tumbling onto her shoulders The bare branches of the birch trees Pierced ...