On the north winds edge
Jack Frost rides the
icy crest
And winter follows
The sun slips beyond the horizon
Like a letter slips
into an envelope
Where it will stay
until the dawn
When the envelope
Spilling its contents
into the sky
Brightening the world
Lifting the heart with
its delivery
Like a missive from a
loved one
The heavily laden
Mountain slopes
Slowly shed their winter
Beginning the slow
spring melt
The snow and ice
Releasing the water
Imprisoned within it
Metamorphosing as it
Into every crevice
Rivulets gently
Into dormant streams
Gaining volume and
As it tumbles downward
Swelling and growing
Feeding cascading
And white water rapids
As it races to the valleys
The cherry blossom
Filled the tree
A brief spectacle
Of perfect beauty
Until the petals fell
Like pink snowflakes
And in the breeze
Danced like confetti
Outside the church
On our wedding day
I have always greatly admired the Sloth Though not in any way the cardinal sin I admire the Sloths of South America Noted for their ...