Devoid of jesses
Or strips of leather
Birds of prey
Fly off the tether
As God intended
The Falcon and the Hawk
Patrol the land
AS for prey they stalk
Devoid of jesses
Or strips of leather
Birds of prey
Fly off the tether
As God intended
The Falcon and the Hawk
Patrol the land
AS for prey they stalk
Heralding an approaching storm
Lightening lit the far
As thunder rumbled
Around the valley
Then louder and louder
it grew
Closer and closer it
Until it was overhead
And the house shook
With the power of the
thunder clap
And Jagged ribbons of
Struck the earth
Then almost as quickly
As its thunderous
It moved off into the
Up on the Moor
The birds take flight
On the glorious 12th
They leave the hill
With a bevy of Grouse
The trappings of
As the lengthening days warm up
When the north is on
the cusp
The ice begins to
speak or sing
Heralding the arrival
of spring
Sweet memories of our childhood
Sunny days bright and
Cold crisp Novembers
on the heath
Beating the bracken
for the Pheasant
Sweet memories of our childhood
Those days of youth
were the best
Golden Septembers in
the fields
Gathering the bounty
of the harvest
In shades of red and orange
The sky burns with
Clouds in sunset are
Like smoke in a
funeral pyre
The mist cascaded down the hillside Like a maiden’s hair Tumbling onto her shoulders The bare branches of the birch trees Pierced ...