Tuesday, 5 October 2021



It’s my favourite time of day

Is a special time, a magical time

A time for romancing lovers

For shared enjoyment

Or solitary reflection

A time to drink in the vistas

Along with the cocktails


My favourite time of day

Boasts awe inspiring displays

Whether over the open sea,

Beyond distant mountains,

Over prairie or savannah,

Or painting barren desert

Or colouring the icy tundra

Illuminating a city landscape

Whether it’s across the river

Or behind the gas works

It’s a special time, a magical time

It’s my favourite time of day

When the sun sets



They appear morning

Noon and night

They swell and grow

Rise and fall

And dissolve and shrink

They are sometimes thick

Sometimes thin

They are sometimes dense

Sometimes transparent

They move fast and slow

They cross treetops and fields

Lakes and seas

Homes and factories

Deserts and swamps

Tropical rainforests

And arctic tundra’s

They are beautiful and familiar

Strange and dramatic

They are myriad in form and shape

A face, a mountain, a fish

They are brown and gray

Steel blue and black

Yellow and gold

Lilac and pink

But mostly clouds are white



As the storm front closes in

The Gulls desert the cliff top

To find safe haven deep inland

And wait for the storm to stop



The fishing boats bob and dance

Driven by weather to the south

Making slow progress in the swell

As they approach the harbour mouth

Monday, 4 October 2021



As if to chase the night away

And herald the dawn’s arrival

Birds awaken bright as the day

With the cacophonic chorus

Before the sun comes into view

To turn the sky from black to blue

Sunday, 3 October 2021



Misty mornings
Start dim and dismal
Penetrating Dampness
Seeping into your bones
Some days it brightens later
Enough for shirtsleeves
Then when darkness falls
Curtains are drawn.
At the months beginning
Grass is still growing green
The trees are well covered still
Then leaves turn green to yellow
Yellow is burnished to gold
Gold to burning red
Then red to earth.
Beyond the equinox
Days have already become
More dark than light
Before the clocks fall back
And the sun sets sooner
Days of sunshine deceive
Sheltered pockets warm and confuse the senses
In the later days
When the residual warmth diminishes
The bite remains
To herald worse to come

Uncanny Tales – (009) Spring was in the air

Spring was certainly in the air on that beautiful early Spring weekend, and what wonderful weather it was, made all the nicer after the long drawn out winter that preceded it, which probably seemed that much longer than it was because we had had no summer to speak of the previous year.

Anyway, the weather was so nice that after breakfast I left my wife in bed reading the Sundays and I set off for a good long walk around the village and its environs.

As I enjoyed the warm Spring sunshine, I noticed the many harbingers of the season such as the daffodils nodding in the breeze, birdsong everywhere and endless parades of cyclists along the lanes punctuated only by the occasional car towing a caravan.


After a couple of strenuous hours, I had worked up something of a sweat as well as a thirst to match, so I headed towards home, but because of the thirst I thought I might just have a cool refreshing beer at the village pub on the way.

However once I reached the pub I soon realised I was not the only one to have that idea and I had to negotiate my way through piles of abandoned bikes and was then greeted by the scene of a packed beer garden full of people showing far too much white flesh than was good for anyone which had the effect of slaking my thirst.

So I decided to give it a miss after all and went home early instead, where I could enjoy a cold beer in my own garden, but when I entered my house I discovered that my neighbour Gerry, had not only entered the house before me but had also entered my wife, and more than once by the look of the pair of them and I was immediately struck with by the thought that their actions had rendered me the first cuckold of Spring.


  The mist cascaded down the hillside Like a maiden’s hair Tumbling onto her shoulders The bare branches of the birch trees Pierced ...