The sky is grey and dark
Defying the sun to
Then the wind picks up
And thunder is getting near
Rain follows with lightning
Flashes that strike
And preludes the
So loud it deafens the
But then its passes on
The sky is grey and dark
Defying the sun to
Then the wind picks up
And thunder is getting near
Rain follows with lightning
Flashes that strike
And preludes the
So loud it deafens the
But then its passes on
Walking the rugged paths and lanes
Over hill and vale,
through field and wood
Past timbered cottages
with thatched roofs
And white picket fences and wishing wells
Ending at a country pub with low oak beams
And brasses decorating
the walls
Such is my idyllic
vision of a country walk
The sunshine dances
On butterfly wings
As they flit and
Never still, never
As they in turn dance
To natures gentle tune
The mighty oak lay broken
In the wake of the storm
And I am deeply saddened
For as a boy I climbed
Its mighty steadfast trunk
And sat amongst its limbs
Sheltering beneath its canopy
As generations of small boys
Had done many times before me
But then I saw an acorn
On the ground beside my feet
So, I picked it up and smiled
And took it home with me
So, I could grow his son
On the beach beneath the sun,
You hear the sounds of joy
And excited laughter of play
The stream runs down the rugged hill
To where stands a quiet water mill
And when water shoots along the spill
The wheel is turned to break the still
So, the miller toils with sweat and skill
And when there are no more sacks to fill
The sluices close and again all’s still
Beneath the dusky grey sky
Of low scudding clouds,
The ambient air was damp
Blown in from the west
On the same storm fed wind
That chased the clouds
Across the autumn sky
I have always greatly admired the Sloth Though not in any way the cardinal sin I admire the Sloths of South America Noted for their ...