Sunday, 30 May 2021



The rich fed grouse thrive on the moor

The golden hare lives on the valley floor

In the meadow you’ll find rabbits there

While the fox sits patiently in his lair

Saturday, 22 May 2021



The dark lake at midnight reflected back

Her own image, she knew this to be her

Bu why was she at the lake at midnight

Why did she not know how she got there?

And why was she naked one the lake shore

A cool breeze blew off the quiet water

It played gently with her auburn curls

Caressing her velvet skin, arousing her

She felt her nipples erect then shivered

But not from the cold, she felt a passion

Welling up within her, a heat she had

Not felt before and may never feel again

Was everything as it appeared to seem

Or was it in fact just a vivid dream



A reed moves

Under a bird’s meagre weight

The reed disturbs the calm water

Ripples echo outwards

Across the lake

Flat calm on a balmy eve

Each ripple expands out

And with each inch it grows

It stretches and diminishes

Until it is no more

Until another bird settles

On another reeds stem



I want to live

Where you can see stars

In the night sky

And it actually gets dark at night


I want to live

Where the riverbanks

Are grass and reed

And the dominant colour is green


I want to live

Where the animals

Outnumber cars

And I know all my neighbours by name


I want to live

An idyllic country life

In a village or on a farm

In a chocolate box paradise



The snow geese

In a massive flock

Take flight in unison

Filling the whole sky

Like clouds of white smoke

Billowing up from unseen fires

Rippling across the sky

As far as the eye can see

Almost blocking out the sun

So begins the migration



Beneath autumnal skies

The suns strength diminishes

With each passing day

Then foliage turns slowly

From green to gold

And finally, to red and brown

Before fluttering to earth

The gentle late summer breezes

Make them dance

And when breeze turns to raging storm

They’re sent swirling

As if court in some frenetic snow globe

The lucky ones escape this chaos

And ends their short lives

Trapped Beneath hedgerows

Or blown into quiet corners

The rest whirl like dervishes

Hither and thither

Until the winter rains

Turn them to mush under foot



Misty mornings

Start dim and dismal

Penetrating Dampness

Seeping into your bones

Some days it brightens later

Enough for shirtsleeves

Then when darkness falls

Curtains are drawn

At the months beginning

Grass is still growing green

The trees are well covered still

Then leaves turn green to yellow

Yellow is burnished to gold

Gold to burning red

Then red to earth

Beyond the equinox

Days have already become

More dark than light

Before the clocks fall back

And the sun sets sooner

Days of sunshine deceive

Sheltered pockets warm and confuse the senses

In the later days

When the residual warmth diminishes

The bite remains

To herald worse to come   


  I have always greatly admired the Sloth Though not in any way the cardinal sin I admire the Sloths of South America Noted for their ...