The sun burns bright above the blue
From above the clouds
up high
Shining brightly
through the rain
Painting rainbows
across the sky
The sun burns bright above the blue
From above the clouds
up high
Shining brightly
through the rain
Painting rainbows
across the sky
Beneath the forest canopy
In the Emerald
Of the ancient wood
It was refreshingly
But shadow soon gave
To the dappled shade
Where the sun pierced
The leafy veil
Littering the floor
With Golden discs of
And when the forest
We came upon a Deer
Grazing in a forest
Beneath the leafy canopy
Moonlight pierced the
And shafts of lunar
Like a brilliant laser
Illuminated the forest
The savage natural scene
In the winter meadow
Where the Falcon feeds
His talons red in the
Little bird bring to us
Your sweet song
Bring it cheerily
With the spring
To the woodland
And to the meadow
And with your
Sweet melody
Usher in another
Blessed summer
The Heathers cloak the hillside
And Buttercups dot the
The Bluebells carpet
the woods
And Orchids pepper the
In an understatement
of radiance
Where the wild flowers
Flowers picked fresh
In the meadow
Where love bloomed
And a kiss was stolen
The delicate blooms
Were lovingly
Betwixt printed pages
Of a weighty tome
Now they are
Between the leaves
Blooms long since
Still evoke memories
Pressed blooms from
When love was young
Mementos of love
From a time long ago
Soon I was once again
In the meadow
Where love bloomed
And a kiss was stolen
The wind whistles
The frozen rain bites
And the chill runs
And we must escape
To shelter safe inside
Where the barn owls
A dew drop slowly rolls along the broad leaf
Like a perfect pearl,
it moves on its journey brief
Before dropping off
the edge to a rivulet below
And the pearl
disappears into the mercurial flow
A bumble bee busies
A Butterfly rises and
And there amid velvet
A single hummingbird
All at sea, all at sea
In the teeth of a gale
Under a savage sky,
Black as night,
The wind blows
Rain stings the flesh
And drowns the spirit.
Rolling black waves
Crash like thunder
All around us
As nature displays
Her awesome power
We pray to our Gods
Our course changed
By great waves of doom
Driving us on
Against our rudders
To end us on a shallow
Be gentle with the earth
It matters such a lot
Look at the landscape
And don’t be the blot
Be gentle with the
It’s the only one
we’ve got
From the sight of the first swallow
To the moment of the last fall of snow
More than a short romantic interlude
But nonetheless it was bound to conclude
A love born beneath a swallow’s wing
Perished on the very eve of spring
As bitter winter disappears
The springtime cheers
As with each new flower
The season grows in power
Spring is here again
Stirring the souls of men
The opaque mists
Blur and soften
Disguising the landscape
Hiding from sight
Until the sun warms
And burns the mist away
Inhabiting the margins
Of the water’s edge
The waterfowl are found
Hid amongst the sedge
As lengthening summer shadows
Give way to Autumnal shades
The last snows of winter
Are but a heartbeat away
The seasons come and go
Almost monotonous I know
One after another, as planned
Like the sweep of a clock hand
Each season reminding us all
That from winter to the fall
Is yet another year slipped by
A step closer to when we die
A depressing thought I know
But let the seasons come and go
For I think it would be a crime
If there was to be no summertime
The seasons come and go
Almost monotonous I know
One after another, as planned
Like the sweep of a clock hand
Each season reminding us all
That from winter to the fall
Is yet another year slipped by
A step closer to when we die
A depressing thought I know
But let the seasons come and go
For I think it would be a crime
If there was to be no springtime
Illuminated sunset clouds, lit
Like smoke in a
funeral pyre
In red and orange
As the sky burns with
My friends happened to mention that
They didn’t
particularly like butterflies
And my parents lost it
Not caring for
wherefores or whys
My friends became
persona non grata
Treated as if they
were evil Visigoths
It wasn’t as if they
harmed butterflies
They just thought them
arrogant Moths
Nature gifted us with the snowy owl
Who on majestic wings
takes flight
In the Arctic regions
of the North
Hunting its prey both
day and night
Like windblown petals
The snow fell in gentle swirls
Settling on the landscape
To delight the boys and girls
The millpond water
In the sultry air
Stood eerily still
its mirrored surface
Reflected its image
In crystal clarity
So perfectly still
That the millpond water
Could have been
A looking glass
For young Alice
To enter wonderland
So ungainly on the ground
Quite displeasing to the eye
But when they effortlessly
Spread their wings and fly
They perform a graceful ballet
Across the bright blue sky
The sharp-eyed sparrows
Darting to and fro
Examine the soil
Disturbed by the hoe
Picking out a morsel
And off they go
Like windblown petals
The snow fell in gentle swirls
Settling on the landscape
To delight the boys and girls
The millpond water
In the sultry air
Stood eerily still
its mirrored surface
Reflected its image
In crystal clarity
So perfectly still
That the millpond water
Could have been
A looking glass
For young Alice
To enter wonderland
So ungainly on the ground
Quite displeasing to the eye
But when they effortlessly
Spread their wings and fly
They perform a graceful ballet
Across the bright blue sky
The sharp-eyed sparrows
Darting to and fro
Examine the soil
Disturbed by the hoe
Picking out a morsel
And off they go
I have a very unusual pet He’s a Madagascan Chameleon But he can’t change colour As he has a reptile dysfunction