In the sunny cottage garden
The hollyhocks thrive
Pleasing to the eye
And loved by the
Hollyhocks are the
For larvae to thrive
Perpetuating the Painted
Also pleasing to the
In the sunny cottage garden
The hollyhocks thrive
Pleasing to the eye
And loved by the
Hollyhocks are the
For larvae to thrive
Perpetuating the Painted
Also pleasing to the
On the open moor land
Shepherds roam
In pastoral vocation
Leading a nomadic life
Following the seasons
In symbiotic union
With ewe and lambkin
Panicles of vibrant pale purple,
Clusters of lilac
Offered to the bee and
In the sunshine and
the showers
Hello my little Buzzy bee
Amidst the flowers
flying free
Gathering the Pollen
Make sweet honey just
for me
Enter the garden
Humble bird
Sing the sweetest
I have heard
Sing loves song
Upon the breeze
To your mate
Up in the trees
Bid her come
Courting on the wing
And with her
Brightly sing
Stung by hail and rain
And colds numbing bite
And cut through like a knife
By the east-wind’s spite
In the dew fresh meadow
I watch the dawn’s first rays
Appear to evaporate the mist
In the majesty of Autumn days
The mist cascaded down the hillside Like a maiden’s hair Tumbling onto her shoulders The bare branches of the birch trees Pierced ...